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moving  forward as a Powerhouse

1. Secure more experience and soak up information. Check out the resources on our website for

sales strategies and essential business tips.

2. Get organised. Use the online organiser located here to clarify your vision and solidify your plans.

3. Discuss the best way to scale your business. Book a Discovery Call to talk about the unique needs of your business and how best to take move up to the next level.

why book a
Discovery Call

It sounds like you’re further along in your journey and more prepared to make a real impact online, which is great. The discovery call is about helping you understand how I approach growth—there are no shortcuts or tricks, just solid strategies that work. Consistency with the right tactics is what brings results.

We’d have a conversation to figure out where you are now, where you want to go, and based on my experience, I’ll share the best approach I believe will help you get there. A discovery call isn’t about selling you anything; it’s about understanding what you need to succeed and seeing if your goals align with what I offer.

Select the time/date that suits you best for a  15-min Discovery Call

action points

recommendations according to the lowers in your assessment

analyse and quantify

set up and test a suitable coaching system

Even if it's just a few clients at first, there's nothing like real experience to truly understand what is needed to provide a great and valuable service. Get in there and get your feet wet, but first, make sure you can deliver a smooth and comfortable ride.

Test out one of the many apps available on the market, try to find one that let's you have a good go before you have to commit to a full package. 
Continue to refine

you have to be ready for action right now

It's super important you have solid systems in place before you start letting in lots of customers. It's ok to test with a few, but you'll find yourself struggling to keep up if you're still trying to put together or even learn a new system as you onboard newbiew.
Create a content strategy

get as much experience as possible, and take photos

There is so much to learn from just 'being in the game'. Learn to stick it out and get as much 'hands-on' experience as possible. The challenges, the needs, the real wants of your unique audience is best learned by getting your hands dirty, so to speak. Get involved and offer value at every step of the way. You'll soon be remembered as the 'go-to' person in your field.
Deciding on direction

slicken up and avoid errors

This is a simple recommendation. Get your everyday tasks or repetitive chores handled by your system and spend your time focusing on more important activities.
Gaining more social followers

control your customer journey for better outcomes

Small adjustments can transform your sales process from good to great. Continuously refining each step ensures you're maximising every stage, delivering a sharper message with clearer benefits. When people fully understand the value of your service, conversions improve. Having control over your digital tools allows you to fine-tune your approach, incorporating what works while avoiding dead ends. This gives you the flexibility to adapt and optimise your strategy as you grow.
clarify the vision for your online fitness business

understand that scaling costs time and money

There's not getting around this. You have to be prepared to dedicate your time and spend your money on growing your business. We are talking about a business that someday hopes to employ other people and help with their financial goals. A business that needs to learn how to spend wisely and expect great returns. You have to become the person that runs such a business.
Develop a customer retention plan

start thinking about adverts

There will come a time when it makes sense to allocate funds and efforts towards advertising and promoting your services to the larger market. Spend time learning what hits and makes your offering easy to understand with organic activities and scale this when you're operations are aligned and ready for the rush.
offer workshops and webinars

get your head around the financial investment

There are many ways to climb a mountain, but eventually, you'll want maximum results with minimal effort. That’s the essence of a good advertising campaign. When you compare the hours spent on organic efforts versus the reach and return from a well-placed ad, you’ll appreciate letting the ad do the heavy lifting. However, this success doesn’t happen overnight—it takes time to create, test, and refine the perfect ad for your offer. Remember, lots of clicks don’t always mean lots of new clients.
Gain a deeper understanding

help is good, don't try to be a super hero

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. If designing and creating posts isn't your thing, get someone else on the job. Just make sure it follows your branding principles and stays true to your vision. It's good to let go a little and have outside minds take a fresh look at things, it can really take your business to new levels.
maximise opportunities

understand and commit the time

Growing a successful online fitness business is no joke and I urge you to check your energy levels, commitment levels, see how much you enjoy the digital and admin side of things. How do you handle set back, because there will be plenty? And will you really be able to put in the time it takes, sometimes late nights and early mornings. I'm showing you, it's not for the faint hearted. 
Monitor industry trends

the more in-house talent the better

We can't all start off with big teams, buzzing with ideas and creative solutions. Sometimes we have to start with what we've got and build from there. How bad are you at designing, really? With all the free tools out there and the apps such as Canva, almost anyone can put together something that's pretty decent. And nowadays, you'll find that less is more, so maybe you are more resourceful than you think. Maybe you just need to have a go. Of course, if you are in a position to get certain tasks farmed out, and it makes sense for you, then by all means get that off your plate.
Develop your  program

understand the implications on your everyday life

Even with the best planned schedule, you'll find yourslef doing more than expected. Working longer than you thought and digger deeper than you wanted to go. It not easy crossing that 100 mark where yo are wearing all the important hats and serving clients at the same time. Maybe you've been able to get some help onboard and now you have staff and leadership skills to keep sharp. It's a lot. Make sure you allocate your time wisely.
define your market

always work on your sales performance

Sales is the bloodline of your business and your ability to grow is directly impacted here. If your sales game needs improving, get to work. You will be able to pass this off to someone else one day, maybe even a team. Lovely, but you need to drive the vision and understand what your customers really want. There's not escaping this part, get good here. There are simple techniques that take you from anxious and worried to confident and loving the sales part of this journey.
Build your fitness brand

think big, replicate to scale

For a business to scale you need systems that can be replicated or taught to others. If you can't remove yourself from the business and have it continue to generate a profit you are still very much employed, just in a different way. You may tick the first box of earning more cash, but the main reason for growing a business is freedom. Regaining your time to do what you want. Ya know, with the money you earned. So yes, you want to tighten your operations and make something great.

reach out for your personalised set of action steps:

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